Managing Your own Professional Development

Do you have an Individual Development Plan? Would you like to have a personal development plan that is designed to help you achieve your personal growth and career goals? This session will introduce participants to the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) model and how to use it to help inform an individual development plan. We will explore the value of education, experience and exposure as development activities and provide information on the wealth of development resources available to PSO staff members at UGA through PEP, LinkedIn Learning, Continuing Ed at the Georgia Center and programs sponsored by public service and outreach.

A laptop is helpful for this session but not required.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide an opportunity to think strategically about individual development
  • Understand how to connect individual development planning to the UGA Staff Competency Model
  • Learn about resources and tools to aid in the creation of an individual development plan


Leslie Rogers, director of learning and development, University Human Resources
Leslie serves as the director of learning and development in Human Resources for the University of Georgia. Leslie joined the UGA Learning and Development team in June 2022. She oversees the professional learning program for university staff, which is focused on both organizational development and individual professional growth. She is also responsible for implementing and managing the Engage & Learn initiative, including the Engage and Learn Grant Program, Staff Mentor Program, Staff Competency Model and the upcoming Performance Management process. Leslie is a proud UGA alumna having earned her Master of Arts degree in Latin and classical studies in 2001. She resides in Athens with her husband, Sean, and son, Eli, who is currently in college.