12th Henry D. Green Decorative Arts Symposium
The Past Made Public: Taking Stock
There is a wealth of decorative materials in the public sphere in Georgia. These objects and these collections deserve to be better known, to be studied, and to be universally enjoyed. Georgia has the largest land area of any state east of the Mississippi River and is larger than the country of England. It is geographically varied, and its history and people are diverse. Its history has produced interesting and aesthetically commanding material culture. Its universities and schools, its churches and synagogues, its public buildings and offices, its state parks and historic sites, its libraries and historical organizations, its cemeteries and gardens, its military bases and historic forts, and its craftspeople who make art in public settings exist as repositories of decorative material culture. They constitute a huge breadth of places, objects and activities that construct heritage for every Georgian. The 12th Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts proposes to examine this public legacy and to assess its value to the people of this state. Speakers will explore the contents of museum collections large and small, public art, religious objects, and government institutions. Their topics will demonstrate the many fertile points of departure for research and scholarship.
Keynote Speaker:
- Ulysses Grant Dietz, Chief Curator Emeritus, The Newark Museum of Art
Other Presenters:
- Charlotte M. Crabtree, Independent Scholar
- Dr. Elyse D. Gerstenecker, Curator of Decorative Arts, Telfair Museum
- Katherine Jentleson, PhD, Merrie and Dan Boone Curator of Folk and Self-Taught Art, High Museum of Art
- Shannon Browning-Mullis, Executive Director, Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace
- Russell Clayton, Independent Scholar
- Lea C. Lane, Curator, Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts
- Ashley Callahan, Independent Scholar
- Dale L. Couch, Independent Scholar
- Monica Obniski, Ph.D., Curator of Decorative Arts and Design, High Museum of Art
- James Langford, President, The Coosawattee Foundation
- Matthew S. Davis, Director of Historic Museums Georgia College & State University
Event Date:
Friday, February 2, 2024 - Saturday, February 3, 2024Location:
UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602
Friday Schedule:
Go Big AND Go Home: Collecting regionally while thinking nationally
Views into the Vault: Georgia’s Hidden Silver Heritage
Collections, Commissions, and Collaborations: Hand-Painted China at Telfair Museums
From Garden to Gallery: The High Museum of Art’s Howard Finster Collection and Art Environment Curation
Prepositions: Decorative Arts By, For, and From African Americans in Savannah History
Building by Building, Room by Room: The Decorative Works of Athos Menaboni
Saturday Schedule:
Where Patterns: Georgia at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts
The Crescent Foot Group: New Discoveries
Contemporary Studio Jewelry in Georgia
Working Title: “But now who needs pots?” Charles Counts, Potter with a Purpose
The Material Culture of the Muscogee Creek and Cherokee in Northwest Georgia
Executive Elegance: Building and Interpreting Collections at Georgia’s Old Governor’s Mansion
$389 – Full Symposium
$229 – Full Symposium (Full time museum professionals only)
$0 – Students
Registration Deadline January 15, 2024
Event Cancellation Policies:
(1) A cancellation received by 5:00 p.m. ET on or before January 26, 2024, will be refunded, minus a $35 processing fee. No refunds will be issued thereafter. (2) To change or cancel your registration, call (706) 542-7493, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. (3) If an event is cancelled for any reason, the UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel will not be responsible for any charges related to travel.
Hotel Cost:
You can reserve a hotel room using room group code 1078 until January 4, 2024. After that date, please call the Georgia Center to request a hotel room with group code 1078. If a room is available, you will receive the group rate.
Note: reserving a hotel room does not register you for the conference. Please use the red box titled REGISTER ONLINE to register for the conference.
Additionally, registering for this conference does not secure a hotel reservation and must be done separately if hotel stay is required.
To change or cancel your hotel reservation, call (800) 884-1381 or (706) 542-2134.
Program Contact Information:
Program Contact:
Caroline Rainey
Registration Contact:
The Georgia Center
(706) 542-7493
Special Needs:
If you require special services, contact Sales@georgiacenter.uga.edu by January 26, 2024.
Dietary restrictions should be indicated on the registration form or during the registration process.