Strategic Networking for Career Advancement

This session is designed for professionals at all stages of their careers, from recent graduates to seasoned executives. Gain a competitive edge in your professional journey and harness the power of strategic networking for your career advancement. Through a series of activities, we’ll network in new and fun ways, share learned experiences, and strategize ways to build a network that helps support the future you want to create. This will be an interactive session aimed at helping people reflect on experiences they have had and the connections they have made and use those to build new partnerships. Please bring business cards if you have them.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover who in the room has similar/different interests?
  • GROW model process: Steps needed to take to make progress in specific areas
  • Enhanced networks across PSO


Angel Jackson, operations coordinator, Archway Partnership
Angel joined the Archway Partnership in 2010 and has served in various capacities, including communications, budget and finance, human resources and project management across all of the Archway communities. She is now an operations coordinator for multiple communities, working closely with public service units, colleges and schools at UGA to support the work of both community and campus partners. She also is lead faculty on a USDA grant to understand the local needs around community gardens across the state.